Sunday, May 11, 2008

Jet lag sucks, but its not as bad as getting kicked in the head...

So, I have fought over the last few days to get my sleep schedule caught up to Bangkok time, and I have finally made it. Unfortunately, I am leaving tonight on a night bus south, so I have missed a lot of the nightlife while I was here in Bangkok. I will try to go out when I am back in town before my flight to Bali.

However, waking up between 2-3 AM most nights has had a few benefits. One of them being ending up going for breakfast at 6am, and running into the people who have been drinking all night. They inevitably invite me over for a drink, which leads to pretty interesting conversations. Yesterday morning, I was talking to a drunk Aussie for over an hour about comparative legal issues and whether the alcohol the place was serving him was bootleg Jagermeister. Eventually he joined his friend at the next table who was with some interestingly dressed Thai ladies, and I went back to my cornflakes.

I have gotten out, as the weather has been good (well, not raining. The heat is a bitch). Saturday I ended up going over to China Town, which has some interesting markets and good Dim Sum. Yesterday I went to Chatuchak, a huge market. I must have seen everything sold at Crate and Barrel, at about 1/8th the price. The food stalls there are great, amazing Thai food of all types. Unfortunately, the more interesting tourist attractions are a little busy due to a holiday that is going on right now that has something to do with the harvest, so I will try to hit them on the way back.

Last night I ended up going to the Muay Thai stadium to see a few matches. Most of the fighters are between 100-120 pounds, not a ounce of fat on them. It is pretty impressive to see these guys go at it. The most interesting fight of the night was between Rungroch from the Loogphorpoojedeehak Gym (try saying that five times fast), and Nong Mike from the Por.Saengprapia Gym. Both weighed 127 pounds, the heaviest fighters of the night. Late in the first round, Nong Mike put a heavy kick into Rungroch's stomach, causing him to double over in pain and start to fall to the mat. Before the ref could get in between them, Nong Mike landed a knee to the face that sent Rungroch's mouth guard - and likely a few of his teeth - into the ringside crowd made up mostly of tourists. Needles to say, they brought out a stretcher.

(BTW, whoever runs that stadium must have been to Madison Square Garden, because the charge just as much for a beer.)

I am on a overnight bus tonight to Chumphon, and a boat tomorrow morning to Koh Phangan. I will try to write when I get settled in there.


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