Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Obama and Cultural Objections

I don't like to go into politics on a travel blog, but here it goes...

As I was eating my breakfast a few days ago, I happened to see Obama's victory speech on CNN after winning the primary. I think everybody who I have spoken to here has been thrilled that he won. Although the politics at this point are very tricky, I have a feeling that he will find a way to pick his Vice President without causing too many waves.

Now, on to something more on point. A good rant.

On a survey of cultures world-wide, the Balinese are very far up on the niceness scale . However, no matter how low key and polite they may be, there is one habit that really bugs the crap out of me.

You might not have noticed, but in most restaurants in the world, when somebody places a bill in front of you, the waiter comes and takes the money, and then goes of to the registrar to count it and give you change. These little acts of trust, that you are giving the right amount of money, are common in any country I have been in.

In Bali, it is the complete opposite. In restaurants big and small, expensive or cheep, the waiter makes a point of counting your money right at the table, standing over you. One time I left money on the table, and the waiter stopped me to count the money in front of me before he let me get up and leave.

I don't know what it is, but this little fact has been nagging in my head the whole time I have been in Bali. I try to put it off as over-reacting. No matter how many times I say to myself that it is cultural thing, the fact that a people can be so nice, and yet never trust a person enough to pay for what they have bought, is enough to set me on edge.

Anyway, that's all I have for today. Have a wonderful night (day for you).

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